Work Package 5: Project Management

WP5 is devoted to managing the project, including necessary sub-contracts with Greenlandic partners and ensuring fulfilment of commitments in the grant agreement.
This includes:
- interacting with BiodiveERsA’s secretariat,
- ensuring adherence to ethical requirements,
- development of a project data management plan,
- dissemination strategy and exploitation plan for project results through identification of policy interphase pathways to impact.
WP5 also arranges executive committee meetings between WP leaders and an annual meeting of the consortium tracking progress and scientific quality and engaging in the policy process. National steering groups will be selected by each WP leader (overlapping in WP4) to facilitate stakeholder involvement.
WP5 will also coordinate preparation of periodic and the final report including financial and progress reports and make updated plans for dissemination and exploitation of results that are dynamic documents that will evolve throughout the project.