Work Package 4: Cross-cutting study of the legislative and policy context of nature-based primary industries

Work Package 4 assess the policy synergy and trade-off implications for adaptation.
The interests of nature-based primary industries such as hunting, small-scale fisheries and reindeer husbandry are often at odds with societal priorities at large. Policies and laws governing these activities operating in a hierarchy of priorities of other sectors and bureaucratic levels as well as international legislation and treaties may therefore reduce the resilience and inhibit the adaptive capacity of communities. By analysing these relations across widely different sectors in Greenland, Sweden and Norway theoretically and practically generalizable information will be generated to inform policy development.
Objectives include:
- analysing the synergies and trade-offs between policies and laws applicable to hunting, fishing and reindeer husbandry and their relation to those on biodiversity, climate and other relevant sectors at relevant levels.
- Assessing policy and legal barriers to nature-based solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate
- evaluating the role of “agents of change” at local, regional and national levels to provide the legislative and policy context to objectives described above.