World Biodiversity Forum in Davos: The potential for nature-based solutions
Maria Pettersson's presentation was made under the theme “Knowledge gaps and research avenues to leverage Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as a tool to mitigate and adapt to climate change”.

Professor Maria Pettersson from FutureArcticLives presented Work Package 4 research at the World Biodiversity Forum in Davos in June 2024.
Her presentation The potential for nature-based solutions: Understanding the possibilities for different actors in historically developed systems was made under the theme “Knowledge gaps and research avenues to leverage Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as a tool to mitigate and adapt to climate change” - a session devoted to Biodiversa-related programs and research, policy synergy and trade-off implications for adaptation.
The presentation builds on a collaboration between five researchers from different academic disciplines in three countries and showcases that it is not possible to understand “nature-based solutions” without understanding the context.
It may also not be possible to rank preference for specific solutions over others, or even preference adaptation actions within a context, without knowing both the possibilities for actors to work within such a context, or the extent to which adaptation or mitigation can be incentivized within present systems.
Find Maria's presentation "The potential for nature-based solutions" here.