FutureArcticLives second joint physical meeting in Tromsø
FutureArcticLives held its second in-person meeting and workshop. Associate Professor Camilla Bratland hosted the meeting at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT).

The meeting represented a long-awaited opportunity for project participants to re-connect across work packages and institutions, take stock of progress and plan for the coming period.
A timely meeting following the extension
The meeting timing was particularly opportune after BiodivERsA and the national hubs finally granted a non-financial project extension following the delays due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Expert insights on climate scenarios and communication
The agenda featured presentations by scientists engaged in climate change and communications research. Mikkel Kruse from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) explained the IPCC scenarios and their implications on the local and Global scale. Dr Lucy Richardson from Monash University in Australia presented advice on climate research communication (here). Both presentations presented important insights about how FutureArcticLives scientists can operationalize future scenario analysis and communicate results to diverse stakeholders.
Progress and future directions
The workshop continued with presentations by each work package about the results that are starting to materialize, some of which are already submitted as manuscripts for publication in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. However, the meeting also presented an opportunity to develop new draft manuscripts and adjust existing ones following the debate and questions raised by the presentations. See the presentations here: WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4.
Next steps
The meeting also facilitated a discussion about an application for follow-up activities derived from FutureArcticLives with broad agreement to pursue further stakeholder engagement and dissemination activities. Finally, we identified several conferences where FutureArcticLives representation would be highly relevant.
We look forward to continuing our collaboration and plan to have our next and last project meeting in Sweden in August 2024.