Monthly seminars in FutureArcticLives
Ph.d.-student Vivianne E. Mazzocco and postdoc Mona E. Bachmann recently presented their research plans in the monthly webinar organized by the FutureArcticLives partners.

FutureArcticLives partners conduct monthly webinars around the 14th of each month, discussing preliminary results and other relevant subjects. February 14th, we held our first seminar. The webinar was hosted by Camilla Brattland from the Arctic University of Norway and enabled PhD student Vivianne E. Mazzocco and Postdoc Mona E. Bachmann to present their research plans. Viviane’s plans focus on the past, presence and future of Greenland’s development politics and policies for its fisheries (see presentation), while Mona's presentation focused on the design of methods for developing future scenarios to assess the implications of various changes on the welfare of hunters and small scale fisher households in Greenland (see presentation).
Subsequently, Camilla led a discussion about ethical concerns concerning individuals and communities when working with film and other data containing personal information and data ownership and storage. You can see the StoryMap, which gives an idea of this work -
The next seminar on March 14th will be organized by Göran Bosted from Umeå University. It will focus on the preliminary results of the questionnaire survey of reindeer herders in Sweeden and Norway. The date for this event is
The third seminar will be organized by Martin R. Nielsen from the University of Copenhagen and will present a preliminary analysis of the data from Greenland Statistics on April 14th.