14 April 2023

April Webinar


FutureArcticLives partners conduct monthly webinars around the mid of each month, discussing preliminary results and other relevant subjects. On April 14th, we held our third seminar.

FutureArcticLives picture

Martin Reinhardt Nielsen from the University of Copenhagen hosted the seminar, presenting the preliminary results of the analysis of income and catch statistics from Greenland Statistics.

The data includes the families of all individuals with a registered hunting license in Greenland in the period 2012-2020 and variables representing income, catch and trade of game and fish. Martin outlined the data management process and calculations involved in determining family reliance on cash and subsistence income from these natural resources (see presentation).

Martin also described some of the challenges before presenting the first preliminary results based on inflation corrected old species values while waiting for missing data. The preliminary results show a negative relationship between reliance and income in the low end of the income distribution and that reliance is much higher in settlements compared to towns and for occupational hunters compared to recreational hunters as could be expected. Absolute income from game and fish on the other hand increased with other income along the entire income distribution in settlements and for occupational hunters whereas there was no clear pattern in towns and for recreational hunters. Hence, these preliminary results show some resemblance to data from the global south although reliance so far appears substantially higher (see here and here).

Mona Bachmann will host the next seminar on June 15th discussing how to appropriately communicate climate change scenarios and the associated uncertainty.
